Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Days Remaining: 168
Days of Marriage Remaining: 3 (inclusive)

01. CLASSES ARE DONE! Only grading left to do! And I should have one class done by tomorrow morning! I'm so frigging tired.

02. Ahem. Last class sessions today went very well, and the students seemed in good spirits and several came up to talk with me afterward about the semester, which is always a good sign. They have been a good group, and I'm happy that several have enrolled in my classes next semester, also a good sign. I'll be very curious to see the Evals in January, especially for the two classes I had not taught before, Love, Death & Desire and Philosophy of Religion (I will not miss teaching the latter, but the former was fun).

03. It snowed this morning, but in the same way that it has snowed here recently: an hour or two of flurries, but no accumulation. It is, on the other hand, cold out. When I got into my car this evening to drive home, it was 20 degrees F outside. I have the heat on in my apartment, but the large, poorly insulated glass sliding doors are faintly radiating cold. I've lived places where it gets colder (we've had several days like this, though not consecutively), but not much. The coldest I've ever been was in Syracuse, where one day it was so cold the insides of my nostrils froze when I stepped outside. But this is probably getting close to that, I think.

04. I spoke with my Native American Religions class about the possibility, which I have been pondering, of trying to write a Native Americans' Religions textbook, to improve the available resources for those teaching courses like mine. They were actually very enthusiastic about it, and I shall ponder it further.

05. Iuno and Romulus sent me a replacement for my cell phone, which had become literally unhinged while driving back up here from Thanksgiving after Delaware (a hinge broke). It arrived and I picked it up today, and I'm very grateful for it, as talking on the phone had otherwise become an acrobatic procedure. I seem to have very poor luck with cell phones. It may be deliberate on their part, as I dislike the constant-availability they offer. I like the idea of not being potentially on call at all times.

06. And that's about it for now.

1 comment:

  1. I say go for writing a text book.
    Glad you'll be here soon with your family.
