Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stil Restless, Still Dreaming

Days Remaining: 405

01. It's been almost two months since I last posted to this blog, and that lacuna reflects a major change in my plans for the future: my contract at Baskerville College was very unexpectedly renewed due to the generosity and patronage of my Assistant Dean of Faculty, Department Chair, and various other professors all pulling together a funding package sufficient to support me for another year. What that did, however, was completely rewrite this blog's raison d'etre, as suddenly the countdown before leaving Connecticut was radically reset and expanded.

02. Although I was very grateful for the extension of my contract, all the more so because I had not been able to find a self-supporting job in Delaware, I ran aground, emotionally, on the fact that I'd be here in New England for another year. I have been drifting, a bit, in emotional and psychological terms, coming to grips with the implications of that, and of the impending deadline for my divorce, which weighs heavily on my mind the past few weeks especially. It has not been easy, and I got out of step with blogging. But I will now aim to restart the practice and be more communicative.

03. So, I'm still here, and still restless, and still dreaming like Endymion.

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