Monday, April 18, 2011

Is What Is What It Was?

400 Days Remaining

01. I'm grading essays for Medieval Philosophy right now, and am very tired. But I have been focusing my grading energies the past few weeks on the Supernatural class (especially regarding writing) and so I need to catch up on MPh essays. I should be done soon, or maybe I'll finish up tomorrow morning.

02. Today I did a bunch of stuff around my apartment, paid bills, edited some stuff, made some phone calls (the city of Wilmington decided that I hadn't paid a parking ticket which I definitely paid, and so they sent me a letter explaining, very politely, that they would boot my car the next time they caught me. When I called and finally, after 15 minutes, got to the right department, I was told that they had no idea why I had been sent this letter, it was all taken care of, and I could come to Wilmington without the threat of vehicular incapacitation - they'd better be right), etc. These are the minor but persistent tasks and issues that define life. I experience an aesthetic pleasure in accomplishing things like that: seeing a completely cleared off table, all tasks on it finished, all bills paid, etc. There's a virtue to work, and too much leisure can become a problem.

03. I watched the film The Brothers Bloom this evening (around, under, and behind the grading) and am not quite sure what to think. It's charming and clever up until 2/3 of the way through, and then it gets complicated and somewhat dark. The two sections aren't unrelated, and there are some very interesting undergirding themes throughout, but I was surprised (not disappointed) by how it ended. I recommend it. I also recommend the soundtrack, which is almost entirely instrumental (a song played over the credits has lyrics) and brass-band, vaguely jazzish, and very distinctive.

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