Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Skipping Stones (or posts, as the case may be)

Days Remaining: 258

1. Well, that's done it. I've jumped the shark, and already fallen to the temptation to not post every day. Two nights ago I had one of the worst night's sleep I've ever had. It was so bad that I was almost late getting to class yesterday morning (and my class starts at 1150am, and is only 10 minutes away from my apartment) because I was stumbling around in a daze after dragging myself out of bed. Yesterday's classes were fine, though my students were warned ahead of time that I was not firing on all cylinders. Once classes were done, I got back into my car and came home ASAP to prevent me from falling asleep at the wheel later in the day.

2. Octavian was supposed to come into town last night, but his train was delayed by several hours, and he called me after his original arrival time to say that they had just left NYC. So he just caught a cab from the New Aldwych train station to his hotel, and I crashed. Hard.

3. I don't know why I'm not sleeping well this past week, but it's been consistent and cumulative in its effects. I am dreaming very vividly, but not particularly coherently or memorably. I wake up after dreams throughout the night, but then forget them almost immediately.

4. Random housekeeping/organizational snafu to be repaired today: when I packed up my office in the condo in June, I apparently didn't pack the surge protector for my computer (I must have put it with other extension cords, surge protectors, etc.). This led to me not being able to plug in all the components of my desktop, and I opted to watch films and listen to music on my laptop, and leave my desktop voiceless until I could buy a surge protector. Well, today is payday, and tonight, there will be music. And possibly Netflix. There is much rejoicing.

5. Speaking of payday, I actually enjoy paying bills. I'd enjoy it more if there were any money left afterward, but I feel a strong aesthetic pleasure in checking off the list of payments as they are made.

6. The big news today is that I'm going to Providence this afternoon to formally file for divorce. The entire process will cost almost $200, which is why I've had to wait. But after this afternoon, my part in the process will be pretty much complete. The sheriff in OK (or, rather, a sheriff - they have more than one) will serve the papers to my ex-in-process-wife, she has already agreed to sign them "no contest" and then it's just a waiting period of 3 months before we are officially unmarried. Conveniently, I have a therapist appointment directly afterward, as I expect that, even given the reasons for divorce, this will be difficult on some level.

7. I'm really looking forward to going to the beach this weekend. Tomorrow will involve a lot of grading, and then freedom on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. while it's not a fun thing, I think it's an important step you're taking and am proud to see you do this.
